The Civic Mystics are members of a secret society that magically empowers people to make informed choices and take impactful action around elections. Combining the mysterious arts of social media with little-known wisdom about voters and ballots, we demystify civic engagement and turn curious brats into the political go-tos of their group chats. 

Essentially, this is a civic action support group where we'll learn stuff that's hard to find elsewhere — like how different offices on our ballot can impact the issues we care about locally. Then we'll come up with creative ways to share that info with our friends and family using our own authentic voices. Plus, we'll get the emotional sustenance we need to thrive in this grueling election cycle (and beyond).

The time commitment is up to you / flexible. This project is not affiliated with any political party.

If your interest level is at "hmmmmm what is this, MAYBE I'll let you tell me more..." or above, please fill in this form and we'll reach back to you soon!

Civic Mystics is a project of Democrasexy in partnership with other civic savants from the Center for Artistic Activism, Deeds Not Words, URGE, and Mayday Health along with special guest experts.

For more information, reach out to