Come to Tex Support
Facilitated by the mental health pros at Prism Integrated Health, Tex Support is a space to process the difficulties of living in Texas, especially for queer folks and women. Sign up to get notified of the next Tex Support meeting.
Join The Pride Bois
Recently, 157 Republican U.S. representatives voted against a law that would protect marriage equality for gay couples.
State legislatures are passing laws that criminalize trans bodies.
School boards are trying to erase queerness.
We’re not going to take this lying down.
The Pride Bois are a group of queer folks and allies who are committed to getting anti-LGBTQIA+ politicians out of office and ultimately building a world where everyone is safe to live their fullest, most authentic life.
It’s called activism, hunny.
We register voters, volunteer for pro-queer candidates, show up to protests together in our cute little outfits, and generally put the FUN in fighting for our FUNdamental rights.
“I’m not queer or a boy… can I still be a Pride Boi?”
Yaaassss, bitch! As long as you are pro-queer you can be a Pride Boi. The the beauty of the word “boi” is that it’s very open to interpretation and encompasses a vast array of gender identities and sexualities.